Man Falls Down Stairs Without a Railing
The Case: My client was walking out of a home that he rented in Clearfield County. As he was walking down the steps he lost his balance and suffered severe injuries to his leg. He would not have been so badly injured if there had been a railing.
Awarded: $109,000.00 Settlement
Results Matter

DUI Felony
The Charges: Client was driving home after a pool party and did not immediately pull over for the police when she was approaching a tunnel. She was charged with Felony Fleeing and Eluding in addition to DUI.
Result: Dismissal of Felony Charges and accepted into ARD Program
Results Matter

Government Injunction
The Case: My client was unlawfully denied a contract awarded her by Westmoreland County. There were major significant flaws in the bidding process.
Awarded: Injunction against the County and award of contract to client
Results Matter

Life Insurance
The Case: My client was named as a beneficiary under her husband’s life insurance policy, however the insurance agency lost the paperwork.
Awarded: $235,0000.00 Settlement
Results Matter

Man Hit By Car
The Case: My client was struck by a vehicle. As a result of his injuries he required two neck surgeries.
Awarded: $300,000.00 Settlement
Results Matter

Unenforceable Promissory Note
The Case: My client signed a Promissory Note agreeing to pay his brother and sister-in-law money. Notwithstanding the note, my client maintained that the money was a gift.
Awarded: Trial resulted in victory for my client
Results Matter

Successor Liability
The Case: My client sought repayment of a business loan given to a personal care home’s predecessor in interest. Personal Care Home claimed it was a new entity and did not owe the debt.
Awarded: Jury Verdict of $63,000.00 to my client.